
The COVID-19 Pandemic Opens New Real Estate Opportunities

去年, the COVID-19 has been on top of everyone’s mind It’s changed just about every facet of our lives and has forced businesses to adapt to the situation In terms of real estate, 健康危机不仅迫使...

Top 医疗办公室 Design Trends To Watch For In 2021

新的一年就要来了, and many health professionals will consider moving their practice into new medical office space in 2021 Like all offices, healthcare facilities should be inviting for guests and employees, 更不用说效率了...


作为一个企业主, there are many things to consider when deciding on where to set up your company’s operations Selecting the right location for your business is tricky enough — but choosing if you should lease or buy an office space...
A commercial real estate building in 斯科茨代尔, Arizona

Why 斯科茨代尔 Is One Of The Best Cities for 商业地产

The 凤凰城 area is a hotbed for activity and opportunities in the commercial real estate industry One community that is experiencing particularly robust growth in the area is 斯科茨代尔 The city is positioning itself as a great place for...
Colorful art displays hanging behind a line of chairs inside a medical practice waiting room

5 Easy Ways Your Medical Practice Can Be More Patient Friendly

在今天的医疗保健行业, it can be a tricky pursuit to make your patients happy and healthy While investing in new technology and equipment is one great way to create patient satisfaction, 确保你的医疗实践...

Strategic Real Estate Options for Your Healthcare Practice

The healthcare industry employs one out of every eight people in the American economy, making it a driving force for economic growth  In this public health environment, medical providers are likely to expand in new ways that will redefine...


As a physician or other type of health care professional, you likely need more features and amenities in your clinic than a typical office space provides Medical office buildings, 或暴徒, are office facilities designed specifically for...

What Tenants Need to Know When Seeking 医疗办公室 Space

The medical office marketplace is always in flux, and you need to have a strong understanding of certain aspects of it if you want to find success in a given location Before you settle on a particular clinic, 医生办公室或其他地方...


When you’re looking to lease or buy medical real estate, you need to think about what a property already has and what you might need to do to adapt it for your needs Today’s patients have many options as far as where to receive care,...

4 Types of 商业地产 Property for Health Care Professionals

这些天, 医生, surgeons and other health care professionals typically set up shop in one of four types of settings: in traditional office buildings, 在医院校园里, in medical office buildings or in retail spaces or shopping...
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